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Pink Garden Arrangement

Pink Garden Arrangement


A beautiful blend of our most luxurious roses, ranunculus, poppies and dahlias - the Pink Garden Arrangement captivates with a soothing mix of muted blush and pink tones, and has a depth and intrigue to its delicate color palette


Each flower is assembled, painted and curled by hand.


Eleven Gardens Luxury Collection


Medium Arrangement (approximate size 13x13”)

19 stems total

1 small Eric Pot

foam/styling wire mesh


Large Arrangement (approximate size 18x18”)

33 stems total

1 medium Eric Pot

foam/styling wire mesh



Professionally created by hand in the US


Ships fully assembled


Complimentary Shipping


Not seeing what you’re looking for? Email us at and we’ll create a custom arrangement to your specifications.

About Us
Discover the world's most beautiful 
faux flowers 

Eleven Gardens represent eleven collections of deceptively natural permanent botanicals designed to imitate the look of freshly cut flowers

All Eleven Gardens stems are hand assembled, hand painted and hand curled using only the highest quality materials to ensure the most realistic appearance, feel and texture

- flowers that capture the spirit of nature -

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